ความคิดเห็นทั้งหมด : 0


   Daily English by International Affairs
English you should know
• How to introduce yourself and Others
• How to Ask & Give Directions
• How to talk on the phone
• How to talk about your job
• How to talk about daily routine
• Greetings and Good byes

Register Now! Only 20 participants will be accepted
Date : 31 Aug,2014
Time : 9:00A.M.-12:00 A.M.
Place : 2rd Floor Room 201,Red Building
Registration : 1169 or pukaew@gmail.com

Posted by : pukaew , E-mail : (pukaew@gmail.com) ,
Date : 2014-08-20 , Time : 13:27:30 , From IP :

ความเห็นจาก Social Network : Facebook

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