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   MRes Scholarships 2010-11, Northumbria University – Department of Humanities
The Department of Humanities is delighted to invite applications for 5 MRes English Literature and 5 MRes History Studentships for September 2010. Successful candidates will be awarded a full fee waiver.
The MRes is ideal preparation for students wishing to pursue doctoral studies, careers in professional research or teaching. On completion students will be well prepared to commence work on a PhD and to finish this within three years. In some cases it may be possible to fast-track through a two year PhD programme which builds on the foundations provided by the MRes.
Applications for the MRes
Candidates must have a minimum of a 2:1 honours degree in a relevant discipline such as BA English Literature/History. Applicants will also be required to submit a 500-word proposal followed by a formal interview. Students may apply to the programme up to and including 18 September but to be considered for the Studentships candidates must follow the procedure outlined below.
Following applications via the Standard University Application Form students should submit a 500-word proposal outlining their research project to the relevant contact:
The closing date for Studentships is 31 March 2010. Successful candidates will be informed by 1 July 2010.

Posted by : tal555 , Date : 2010-02-28 , Time : 19:06:23 , From IP : AAubervilliers-152-1-33-21.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr

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   Research Degree Studentships 2010 in London
Interested in a career in Global Health? Exciting new funding opportunities are available at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine for research degrees. The School has an internationally excellent reputation in public health and tropical medicine. With staff and students from over 120 countries, and alumni from 167 countries, the School provides an incomparable breadth and wealth of experience from which to carry out research (PhD and DrPH) training in the fields of Epidemiology & Population Health, Infectious & Tropical Diseases and Public Health & Policy.
The UK Research Assessment Exercise confirmed the School as a world leading centre for research and the School has been ranked one of the top three research institutions in the country in the Times Higher Education’s ‘table of excellence’.
The School is pleased to offer UK Research Councils studentships (MRC, ESRC and BBSRC) as well as Graduate Teaching Assistantships and other awards for a range of research study areas to start in October 2010, covering tuition fees and living costs.
For further information on the studentships available and study areas they apply to, please visit: www.lshtm.ac.uk/prospectus/scholarships
Further information is available from: Registry, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 50 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DP, United Kingdom.
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7299 4646, Fax: +44 (0) 20 7323 0638
E -mail: registry-at-lshtm.ac.uk , Website: www.lshtm.ac.uk/courses

Contact address : Registry
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
50 Bedford Square
London WC1B 3DP
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7299 4646
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7323 0638
E -mail: registry-at-lshtm.ac.uk
Website: www.lshtm.ac.uk/courses

Posted by : tal555 , Date : 2010-02-28 , Time : 19:08:02 , From IP : AAubervilliers-152-1-33-21.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr

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   DIMAP PhD Studentships (6 awards) £15 000 per year (maintenance) + fees
Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP)
DIMAP Centre (Computer Science/Mathematics/ Warwick Business School: Operational Research))
The DIMAP aims to recruiting qualified and highly motivated students for PhD scholarships. Applicants should have a degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, or Operational Research, with excellent grades and references. Interest in interdisciplinary research is a bonus.
Typically only UK/EU fees are covered, though this may be waived for outstanding overseas applicants. Furthermore, there is a wide range of funding available to students from outside the EU who wish to study in Britain. Further details are available from the International Office
Applications are invited for the PhD scholarships in the Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP) at the University of Warwick, United Kingdom. Applications are welcome for the study starting in the academic year 2010/2011.
In order to apply please fill in the online application form available at:
In the application form, please choose your preferred department: Warwick Business School (OR), Mathematics Institute or Computer Science and put *DIMAP scholarship* as a source of financing in the *Finance* part of an application. When you complete an on-line application form, please email dimap-at-dcs.warwick.ac.uk to confirm you have submitted an application form.? DIMAP offers students grants of various types, covering tuition and/or stipends. Tuition covers expenses for teaching and supervision, and each student is equipped with office space, a computer, and a small travel budget to attend conferences.
For further information, please contact Anna Guszcza: Anna.Guszcza-at-dcs.warwick.ac.uk
Deadline: 31 July 2010

Posted by : tal555 , Date : 2010-02-28 , Time : 19:08:52 , From IP : AAubervilliers-152-1-33-21.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr

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Application Deadline: April 1, 2010
The Environmental Humanities Project, in collaboration with the Woods Institute for the Environment
and the Bill Lane Center for the American West at Stanford University, seeks applicants for a postdoctoral
fellowship focusing on cultures of nature in the American West. Applicants’ research should focus on how
cultures shape conceptions of nature, the natural, species boundaries, uses of plants and animals and natural
resources, the human body in its environmental dimensions, or environmental health and illness; how cultures of
nature form and dissolve; how cultures map nature, literally and metaphorically; how cultures of nature rooted
in particular places develop dimensions beyond that place (e.g. in the virtual realm); and what practical
differences such cultures make for human uses of the environment and in shaping nature.
The postdoctoral fellow will be a leader in the Environmental Humanities Project, a new initiative at Stanford
designed to develop an interdisciplinary community across departments, programs and research areas in the
Humanities involving environmental issues.
This community will also seek to build bridges to the social and natural sciences.
Fellows should be committed to this goal and will be expected to participate actively in building such a
community. In addition, they will teach one class and participate in workshops and seminars. The appointment
is for one year but may be renewed for an additional year. Applicants must have their doctoral
degree in hand 30 days prior to the appointment start date.
The concept of “cultures of nature” is conceived broadly to include indigenous, ethnic, class-based, local,
professional formations and subcultures. The American West is understood as the United States west of the
Mississippi, western Canada, Mexico, and their interfaces with the Pacific region. We welcome applicants from
anthropology, history, literary and cultural studies, political science, sociology and urban studies, as well
as candidates from the natural sciences with a strong interest in multidisciplinary methods and the
humanities. We particularly encourage applicants who are interested in working with a variety of sources,
including data, maps, images, and multimedia visualization techniques. Applicants should be comfortable
working in a collaborative research setting. The fellowship research project will be developed by the candidate in
collaboration with scholars from a variety of related disciplines, and will have an associated public outreach
For further information please contact Ursula K. Heise uheise-at-stanford.edu, Professor of English, Director of
the Program in Modern Thought and Literature and faculty coordinator of the Environmental Humanities Project,
or Jon Christensen jonchristensen-at-stanford.edu, Executive Director, Bill Lane
Center for the American West, Stanford University

Applicants should submit the following materials by April 1, 2010:
- Cover letter,
- CV,
- 1000-word project proposal,
- dissertation abstract,
- 25-page writing sample,
- three letters of recommendation.
Send application materials to: Prof. Ursula K. Heise,
Department of English, 450 Serra Mall Bldg. 460, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA 94305-2087.
Geotechnical Scholarship Scheme 2010
The Atkins Geotechnical Scholarship Scheme offers current undergraduate students the opportunity of working alongside Atkins’ geologists and geotechnical engineers during the summer holidays. Over a 6 week placement students will gain real work experience and have an opportunity to learn about the possibilities offered by a career in an organisation such as Atkins.
Scholarships will be for six-week placements during the 2010 summer vacation. Placements will be in our London, Epsom, Bristol, Cambridge, Swansea, Birmingham, Telford, Warrington, Leeds, Cardiff, Nottingham, Newcastle or Glasgow offices. No additional commitment is required from applicants in future.
You will assist our staff working on a variety of activities, which involve the geotechnical and engineering geological investigation, design and management of construction and environmental management projects. You will work both independently and as part of a team. The exact nature of your work will depend on the projects that are active next summer. In previous years, students have assisted with desk-based studies, the processing of geological data, field surveys and project management
What’s in it for me?
Our scholarship scheme is designed to provide you with insights into geological and geotechnical design and consultancy over an extended period during your summer holidays.
* You will work with professional geologists and geotechnical engineers in the UK’s largest multidiscipline environmental and engineering consultancy.
* You will gain experience in how projects are run and how a business operates.
* You will work in a team and contribute to real projects and business activities.
* You will have the opportunity to build your CV with actual professional work experience.
* Geotechnical scholars receive a salary of £325 per week.
Who can Apply?
Undergraduate university students who are resident and studying in the UK. These placements will suit candidates who are interested in working with geologists, geoscientists and geotechnical engineers and finding out about the work that they do.
How Do I Apply?
To Apply:
1. Click on the link below to download an application form
2. Upload your completed application form instead of a CV during the registration process.
The closing date for applications is the 26th March 2010. Successful applicants will be advised by the 3rd May 2010. A mutually agreeable Scholarship start date will then be agreed.
Please note this must be completed and attached for your application to be considered.
PhD position in organic chemistry
Job Description : Helsinki University declares the following position to be open for application:
PhD position in organic chemistry
at the laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Department of chemistry. Starting date March-April 2010.
The project is aimed at the design, synthesis, and characterization of chlorophyll derived sensing molecules that will be integrated on optical fibers to sense ions and organic substrates. The successful applicant will be working with synthetic organic chemistry (ca. 90%), photochemistry, and a variety of spectroscopic methods for structural characterization of organic compounds and their photophysical properties. Photophysical and instrumentation part of the project will be done in collaboration with photophysics laboratory at Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering, Tampere University of Technology (Prof. N. Tkachenko group).
The applicant must have a Bachelors degree (or equivalent) in chemistry, and an additional full year of studies at an advanced level, including a masters thesis (or equivalent).
In addition, the applicant should provide proof of theoretical and practical knowledge in:
a) Synthetic organic chemistry, including practical experience with routine laboratory procedures
b) Analytical methods in organic chemistry: Separation and purification (flash chromatography, macroscale and microscale synthesis, mass spectrometry, IR, UV/vis and fluorescence spectroscopy)
c) Use of modern NMR techniques for structural characterization of organic compounds (interpretation of routine 1D and 2D spectra, practical experience with state of the art NMR equipment, documentation of spectral data)
d) Basic knowledge in supramolecular chemistry, computational chemistry and physical organic chemistry will be regarded as a merit
General interest for modern organic chemistry and method development is a perquisite for successful performance in the project and research group.
The PhD position is for four years and is free from department duties (teaching). All needed studies (courses, books) can be studied and examined in English. Monthly salary: 1900-2400€ depending of stage of the study, skills and performance.
Contact person: Juho Helaja, Ph. D., Docent
Academy of Finland research fellow
Postal address:
A.I.Virtasen aukio 1
P.O. Box 55
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki
Contact address : juho.helaja@helsinki.fi

Posted by : tal555 , Date : 2010-02-28 , Time : 19:09:50 , From IP : AAubervilliers-152-1-33-21.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr

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   Scholarships for Erasmus Mundus Fire Safety Engineering programme available

Scholarships are available for both non-EU students and EU-students. The online applications are open between September-April (European students), and September-December (non-European students).
This two-year “International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering” is open for both European as non-European students.
The universities that commonly organize this programme are Ghent University (Belgium), Lund University (Sweden) and the University of Edinburgh (UK).
Student mobility is foreseen after each semester, giving the students the opportunity to gain from the strengths and expertise of each of the three universities.

Category : International Master Course scholarship
Contact address :
Elise Meerburg – IMFSE Erasmus Mundus Administrator
Faculty of Engineering, Ghent University
IR03 St. Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
mail: IMFSE-at-UGent.be
web: http://www.imfse.ugent.be
Tel.: +32 9 264 98 47
Fax: +32 9 264 35 75
“la Caixa”/CNIO International PhD Programme 2010
During 2010, the Fundación “la Caixa” will provide support for ten highly qualified graduate students to carry out their experimental work towards obtaining a PhD degree at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO) within an International PhD Programme. In the context of this “la Caixa”/CNIO International PhD Programme, we are seeking exceptional and highly motivated PhD students interested in receiving ample cross-disciplinary training in state-of-the-art basic and applied cancer research. Open to all nationalities. Please refer to attached PDF for more information and application procedure.
This scholarship is offered annually to an unspecified number of people. Open for applications until March 15, 2010.

Posted by : tal555 , Date : 2010-02-28 , Time : 19:10:41 , From IP : AAubervilliers-152-1-33-21.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr

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   SEARCA Graduate Scholarship in Agriculture for School Year 2011/2012

The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) invites applications for its graduate scholarship (MS and PhD) in agriculture and related fields (including biological sciences, social sciences, economics and statistics, forestry and fisheries, environmental sciences, agro-industrial technology and engineering, biochemistry, and development management) for School Year 2011-2012. The scholarship is open to nationals of Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam who are regular employees of academic or research institutions or government agencies and not
older than 35 years old.
Applicants may submit their applications to their countries’ respective Ministries of Education, Higher Education, Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Environment and Natural Resources, or Rural Development. The Ministries will then screen and endorse their applications and submit the list of qualified applicants accompanied by the complete set of requirements to SEARCA not later than 30 July 2010.

Applicants should inquire with their respective Ministries regarding the Ministries’ deadline for receiving SEARCA applications.
SEARCA scholars may study at any of the following members of the University Consortium coordinated by SEARCA: Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia; Kasetsart University, Thailand; Institut Pertanian Bogor and Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia; and University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines. Other reputable universities outside the University Consortium but within the Southeast Asian region may also serve as study posts of scholars under special
arrangements and project agreements. Applicants may apply online via the SEARCA website, but original application documents must still be sent to their Ministry for official endorsement and submission to SEARCA. Applicants are
required to submit to SEARCA applications for admission to the Graduate Schools of at least three universities in the list.
The application requirements and forms may study may be downloaded from the SEARCA website at http://www.searca.org.
The topic of the research that the applicants plan to conduct for their thesis must
be in line with either of the priority thrusts of SEARCA, namely: natural resource
management and agricultural competitiveness.
Interested parties may contact the Graduate Scholarship Department of SEARCA via email at gsd-at-agri.searca.org or ecc-at-agri.searca.org.
Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and
Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)
College, Los Baños, Laguna 4031, Philippines
Telefax: (63-49) 536-7164
Email: gsd-at-agri.searca.org or ecc-at-agri.searca.org
SEARCA Invites Applications for Graduate Scholarship in Agriculture for School Year 2011/2012

Posted by : tal555 , Date : 2010-02-28 , Time : 19:11:47 , From IP : AAubervilliers-152-1-33-21.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr

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    NIAS Fellowships
NIAS Fellows are selected from prominent researchers and senior scholars in the humanities and social sciences who have already made a contribution to scholarship and who are able to continue their research and to advance knowledge in their particular fields during their stay.
Application Deadline: Monday 1st March 2010

Regular NIAS Fellowships are awarded for a full research year, from 1 September – 30 June, although a five-month period is also possible. Other fellowships that are awarded on the basis of submitted applications are the Golestan Fellowship, the Lorentz Fellowships, the Mellon Fellowship, the Visiting Grants, the Henry G. Schermers Fellowship, the Writer-in-Residence, the Translator-in-Residence, and the Journalist-in-Residence.
Duo Fellowships. Scholarly research may benefit substantially from a close co-operation of two scholars working on a joint project. Joint applications for regular NIAS Fellowships by a Dutch scholar and a non-Dutch scholars are most welcome.
They consist of two individual applications, one by a Dutch scholar and one by a non-Dutch scholar, and a joined research project as requested under item 15 in the application form.
The deadline for Duo Fellowships is the same as the one for regular NIAS Fellowships for non-Dutch scholars.
Theme Groups are part of NIAS’s policy to emphasise the symbiosis among various disciplines within the humanities and social sciences, and among diverse scientific methods. To improve and stimulate the quality of scholarship in these areas an exchange of knowledge and insights in an international context is considered vitally important. To this end, work at NIAS is in part organised in multidisciplinary research theme groups, that have a distinctly international character.
There are also several invitational fellowships: Willem F. Duisenberg Fellowship, Spinoza Fellowship, Distinguished Lorentz Fellowship, the KB Fellowship as well as Guest of the Rector.
All fellowships are residential and are awarded on the recommendation of the Scholarship Committee, whose membership is determined by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
The minimum requirement to be eligible for a NIAS Fellowship is a Ph.D. degree.
Fellowships are awarded for a full research year from 1 September – 30 June or for one semester, i.e. from 1 September – 31 January and from 1 February – 30 June.
Please note, that NIAS does not provide fellowships for training programmes or educational purposes. Nor does it offer courses or financial support to conduct research elsewhere.
Application Procedures
For application procedure see the information on the relevant webpages.
Scholars who wish to apply for one of the fellowships at NIAS should go to the Fellowship’s page and follow the instructions.
Applicants are asked to apply by e-mail Application-at-NIAS.KNAW.NL and attach the following:
1. the completed application form
2. their curriculum vitae (3 pages)
3. a list of (major) publications (3 pages)
4. the research proposal describing the work that they propose to carry out at NIAS (3 pages).
All attachments should be one and a half spacing and not exceed the maximum limit of three pages.

Posted by : tal555 , Date : 2010-02-28 , Time : 19:13:05 , From IP : AAubervilliers-152-1-33-21.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr

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   Dr. Nancy Foster Graduate Scholarship 2010
The Department of Commerce’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has awarded the Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship to seven outstanding graduate-level scholars for the academic year
The application period for 2010/11 will be January 1, 2010 - March 17, 2010
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program recognizes outstanding scholarship and encourages independent graduate level research — particularly by female and minority students — in oceanography, marine biology and maritime archaeology. Congress authorized the Program, as described in the National Marine Sanctuaries Amendments Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-513), soon after Dr. Foster’s death in June 2000, as a means of honoring her life’s work and contribution to the nation. The program is administered through NOAA’s Office of Education and funded annually with one percent of the amount appropriated each fiscal year to carry out the National Marine Sanctuaries Act.

Posted by : tal555 , Date : 2010-02-28 , Time : 19:13:55 , From IP : AAubervilliers-152-1-33-21.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr

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   The EFC AGA and Conference Scholarship Programme
The EFC AGA and Conference Scholarship Programme is now open for applications.
This scholarship fund has been generously funded by EFC members and is aimed at widening participation in the conference, bringing foundation staff from across the world.
The scholarship programme this year is generously supported by:
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, EVKAF, Fondazione CRT, the Global Fund for Women, Realdania and Robert Bosch Stiftung.
Applications are welcomed for scholarships to cover one or more of the following:
- Registration fee for the AGA and Conference
- Travel expenses
- Accommodation expenses
The deadline for applications is 12 March.
Further information and application forms may be found at:

Posted by : tal555 , Date : 2010-02-28 , Time : 19:14:42 , From IP : AAubervilliers-152-1-33-21.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr

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   One PhD scholarship (SNSF 3 years)
The Human Geography Division (chair: Prof. Ulrike Mu?ller-Böker) of the Department of Geography, University of Zurich is advertising
The successful applicant will be part of an international research team working on the project “Migration, Knowledge and Development: Role of Knowledge and Skills in the Migration Process”, which is funded through the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research North-South (NCCR N-S), with financial support from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
The project takes a critical perspective on the recently surfaced new “optimistic” discourse on migration, highlighting migrants’ potential as agents of global development. While usefully underscoring migrants’ ability to create and spread knowledge and resources, this perspective risks portraying migrants as one homogenous group and ignoring individual or large-scale factors, like personal motivation or societal context, which can limit their contributions to overall development. Drawing on case studies from Central and South Asia this research project aims to achieve a more differentiated understanding of the dynamics of knowledge and skill flow in the migration process and its possible linkages with development. The project’s concept note can be obtained from the contact given below.
Applicants should have a Master degree in Human Geography, Migration or Development Studies or any relevant Social Sciences discipline. The successful candidate is expected to carry out fieldwork either in rural and/or urban areas of Kyrgyzstan or in Kyrgyzstan and Nepal in a comparative way. Candidates are requested to send:
- A letter of application and a full curriculum vitae including two names of possible referees
- A draft PhD research sketch in English (about 4 pages) within the broader theme of the project on
“Migration, Knowledge and Development”, incl. core research question and its justification; links to ongoing theoretical
debates; possible empirical field research; relevant literature.
Basic knowledge of Russian is an asset but no pre-condition, but must be acquired at a later stage.
At Zurich, we offer a challenging position among a dynamic team of PhDs and senior researchers involved in critical development studies, with opportunities for international contacts, further training through Graduate Schools, and the gaining of teaching experience in our Bachelor and Master courses.
Please send your application by e-mail Regina Kohler: regina.kohler-at-geo.uzh.ch
Inquires to Dr. Susan Thieme: susan.thieme-at-geo.uzh.ch
General information: http://www.geo.uzh.ch/en/units/hgg, http://www.north-south.unibe.ch/
Closing date: April 7th, 2010

Posted by : tal555 , Date : 2010-02-28 , Time : 19:15:25 , From IP : AAubervilliers-152-1-33-21.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr

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   PhD Scholarship in International Conflict, University of Sydney, Australia

A full-time postgraduate scholarship commencing in Semester 2, 2010 is available for a suitably qualified candidate to undertake research leading to a PhD in international conflict. The project will investigate the roles of norms, political culture, values, and/or similar factors in patterns of interstate conflict across different regions of the world. The research will be complementary to, and in close interaction with, an ARC-funded project on the role of political institutions in regional conflict dynamics.
Applicant should have a strong Honours degree, and/or master’s qualifications in political science or related field. Applicants should have a particular interest in theories of international conflict, and strong skills in qualitative social science research methods. Local and international students can apply however tuition fees payable by international students are not covered by this scholarship.
Amount awarded:
The scholarship is valued at $25,000 per annum (tax exempt) and may be renewed for up to three years, subject to satisfactory progress.
Application guide:
Further information can be obtained from Dr. Benjamin Goldsmith, Department of Government & International Relations, Merewether H04, The University of Sydney NSW 2006 (Phone: 02 9351 3748, E-mail: ben.goldsmith@sydney.edu.au). Applications should be sent directly to Dr. Goldsmith at the above address and should include a curriculum vitae, a copy of an academic transcript, and the names and contact details of at least two referees.
Closing date:
31 March 2010
Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland Research Fellowship
Application Deadline: Friday 5th March 2010
Organisation: The Royal Society of Edinburgh
This postdoctoral fellowship is given for independent research on the causes and effects of the ageing process, including the medical, psychological, sociological and economic consequences of old age, with the purpose of improving the quality of life.
The fellowships may be held at any higher education institution in Scotland.
Once appointed, research fellows will be expected to devote their full time to research.
Applicants must possess a doctorate, or equivalent higher education qualification, and should have two to six years relevant postdoctoral academic research experience at the time of the application closing date. Career breaks such as maternity leave, national service and voluntary service overseas can be discounted.
Applicants must show that they have an outstanding capacity for innovative research with a strong publication record relevant to their proposed field of study.
Preference will be given to those not holding a permanent position in an academic or research institution.
The fellowship is tenable for a period of up to three years. The annual stipend for the RSE/Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland Research Fellowship will be within the scales for research staff in higher education institutions, spinal points 23-37, approximately £21,500 to £32,500. Corresponding scales apply to a fellowship held in either a research institute or industrial laboratory. Normal annual increments and superannuation benefits will apply and stipends will be adjusted from time to time to take account of nationally agreed pay settlements. The salary placement will be according to age, qualifications, and experience plus two increments.
Financial support towards expenses involved in carrying out the research is available, including support for travel and attendance at approved meetings and the cost of minor equipment. The successful applicant is given an allowance of up to £5,500 for travel and subsistence each year. In addition, the successful applicant may request funding towards the cost of equipment and consumables, up to a maximum of £2,500 per annum.

Posted by : tal555 , Date : 2010-02-28 , Time : 19:16:18 , From IP : AAubervilliers-152-1-33-21.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr

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