ความคิดเห็นทั้งหมด : 1

ช่วยดู ECG รายนี้ให้หน่อยครับ

   21 yo man previous healthy developed sudden onset sharp substernal pain at midnight, woke him up from sleeping. He described pain as sharp, at the left chest, radiate to his neck. Pain rated 7/10...persistent all the time....he could not lie back due to increaed chest pain....no sweating,pale....

No history of any prodomal viral illnesses...For the past 1-2 days before this episode of chest pain, he felt some shortness of breath during exercise but no chest pain, no syncope....no fever.. His parent brought him to ER tonight..

PMH : healthy

PE T 37 , HR 110, BP 110/70, RR 20 So2 95%
GA : looked distress from pain.
Heart : normal precordial impulse, flat JVP
normal S1,S2, no murmur, no rub or gallop
Chest: clear
Abd: soft , not tender, no hepatomegaly
Ext: warm well perfused, no edema

ECG : shown here
Please give me the diagnosis

Posted by : insulin , Date : 2008-04-17 , Time : 12:02:54 , From IP :

ความคิดเห็นที่ : 1

: Normal sinus rhythm
rate about 65 bpm
(from V/S=10?)
normal axis
diffuse concave ST segment elevation lead I,II,avf,v2-v6

In adolescent, chest pain in this case --> acute pericarditis

Posted by : blackbear , Date : 2008-05-06 , Time : 22:22:26 , From IP :

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