How to Parent Children with
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD/ADD

Children with attention deficit disorder - ADHD/ADD may be difficult to parent.  They may have trouble understanding important directions.  Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD/ADD are usually in a constant state of activity.  This can be a challenge to adults.  You may need to change your home life a bit to help your child.  Here are some things you can do to help:

Organize your schedule at home.  Set up specific times for waking up, eating, playing, doing homework, doing chores, watching TV or playing video games and going to bed.  Write the schedule on a backboard or a piece of paper and hang it where your child will always see it.  If your child can't read yet, use drawings or symbols to show the activities of each day.  Explain any changes in routine in advance.  Make sure your child understands the changes.

Set up house rules.   Make the rules of behavior for the family simple, clear and short.  Rules should be explained clearly.  It's important to explain what will happen when the rules are obeyed and when they are broken.  Write down the rules and results of not following them.  Hang this list next to the schedule.  The punishment fore breaking rules should be fair, quick and consistent.

Be positive. Tell your child what you want rather than what you don't want.  Reward your child regularly for any good behavior--even little things such as getting dressed and closing doors quietly.  Children with ADHD often spend most of their day being told what they are doing wrong.  They need to be praised for good behavior. 

Make sure your directions are understood. First, get your child's attention.  Look directly into his or her eyes.  Then tell your child in a clear, calm voice specifically just what you want.   Ask your child to repeat the directions back to you.  It's usually better to keep directions simple and short. For difficult tasks, give only one or two directions at a time.  Then congratulate your child when he or she completes each step. [Click here for guidelines for communication with attention deficit disorder-ADD kids]

Be consistent. Only promise what you will deliver.  Do what you say you are going to do.   Repeating directions and requests many times doesn't work well.  When your child breaks the rules, wan only once in a quiet voice.  If the warning doe not work, follow through with the punishment that you promised.  (Avoid physical punishment.   This often makes matters worse).  [Click here for behavior modification suggestions for attention deficit disorder - ADD kids]

Make sure someone watches your child all the time.   Because they are impulsive, children with ADHD need more adult supervision than other children their age.  make sure your child is supervised by adults all day.

Watch your child around his friends.  It's hard for children with ADHD to learn social skills and social rules.  Be careful to select playmates for your child with similar language and physical skills.  Invite only one or two friends at a time at first. Watch them closely while they play.  Reward good play behaviors often.  Most of all, don't allow hitting, pushing and yelling in your house or yard. [For More Help Check Out "No One To Play With"]

Help with school activities.  School mornings may be difficult for children with ADHD.  Get ready the night before--lay out school clothes and get the book bag ready.  Allow enough time for your child to get dressed and eat a good breakfast.  If your child is really slow in the mornings, it's important to make enough time to dress and eat.

Set up homework routine.  Pick a regular place for doing homework.  This place should be away from distractions such as other people, television and video games.  Break homework time into small parts and have breaks.  For example, give your child a snack after school and then let him play for a few minutes.  then start homework time.   Stop frequently for short "fun breaks" that allow your child to do something enjoyable.  Give your child lots of encouragement, but let your child do the school work.

Focus on effort, not grades.  Reward your child when he tries to finish school work, not just for good grades.  You can give extra rewards for earning better grades. 

[More About ADD] 

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Pointers for parents of children with ADD and/or learning disabilities.

  1. Take the time to listen to your children as much as you can (really try to get their "Message").
  2. Love them by touching them, hugging them, tickling them, wrestling with them (they need lots of physical contact).
  3. Look for and encourage their strengths, interests, and abilities. Help them to use these as compensations for any limitations or disabilities.
  4. Reward them with praise, good words, smiles, and pat on the back as often as you can.
  5. Accept them for what they are and for their human potential for growth and development. Be realistic in your expectations and demands.
  6. Involve them in establishing rules and regulations, schedules, and family activities.
  7. Tell them when they misbehave and explain how you feel about their behavior; then have them propose other more acceptable ways of behaving.
  8. Help them to correct their errors and mistakes by showing or demonstrating what they should do. Don't nag!
  9. Give them reasonable chores and a regular family work responsibility whenever possible.
  10. Give them an allowance as early as possible and then help them plan to spend within it.
  11. Provide toys, games, motor activities and opportunities that will stimulate them in their development.
  12. Read enjoyable stories to them and with them. Encourage them to ask questions, discuss stories, tell the story, and to reread stories.
  13. Further their ability to concentrate by reducing distracting aspects of their environment as much as possible (provide them with a place to work, study and play).
  14. Don't get hung up on traditional school grades! It is important that they progress at their own rates and be rewarded for doing so.
  15. Take them to libraries and encourage them to select and check out books of interest. Have them share their books with you. Provide stimulating books and reading material around the house.
  16. Help them to develop self-esteem and to compete with self rather than with others.
  17. Insist that they cooperate socially by playing, helping, and serving others in the family and the community.
  18. Serve as a model to them by reading and discussing material of personal interest. Share with them some of the things you are reading and doing.
  19. Don't hesitate to consult with teachers or other specialists whenever you feel it to be necessary in order to better understand what might be done to help your child learn.

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