Field of interested Child obesity
Parenteral nutrition
Child rearing
Chongsuvivatwong V, Mo-suwan L, Mahahing P. Transitional society, health
status and international migration of muslim villagers in the lower part of
southern Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1990 ; 21 :
Mo-suwan L. Predictors of Low Birthweight Delivery : A study of factors
influencing birthweights. J Med Assoc Thai 1989 ; 72 (Suppl 1) : 52-56.
Ongroonruang S, Mo-suwan L, Junjana C, Phandhu-fung S
. Eating behaviour among in-patients of Songklanagarind hospital. Songkla Med J 1988 ; 6(Suppl 3) : 36-41.
Mo-suwan L, Junjana C. Dietary habits of pregnant and lactating women in Songkhla, Songkla Med J 1988 ; 6 (Suppl 3) : 1-4.
Osatakul S, Mo-suwan L, Promplook S. Salmonella diarrhea in infants. J Pediatr Soc Thai 1987 ; 26 : 96-99.
Mo-suwan L. Nutritional problems in the southern part of Thailand. Songkla Med J 1986 ; 4 : 54-58.
Mo-suwan L. Physiological adaptation after birth to one year. Songkla Med J 1985 ; 3 : 363-365.
Mo-suwan L. Chronic diarrhea. Songkla Med J 1984 ; 2 : 398-403.
Mo-suwan L. Acute Suppurative Thyroiditis in Children : ACase Report. J Med Assoc Thai 1984 ; 67 : 570-573.
Mo-suwan L. Letter to editor : Maternal anthropometry and birth weight. Am J Clin Nutr 1983 ; 38 : 152.
Mo-suwan L, Sanguan-chua P. Infant feeding practices in Songkla. Songkla
Med J 1983 ; 1(3) : 132-135.
Laosombat V, Mitranun W, Mo-suwan L, Wacharasin R. Methotrexate Induced Severe Pneumonitis. J Med Assoc Thai 1982 ; 65 : 611-617.
Mo-suwan L, Chungpanich S. Cystic Fibrosis : a case report. J Med Assoc Thai 1981 ; 64 : 630-635.
Varavithya W, Mo-suwan L. Intractable diarrhea in infants. J Med Assoc Thai 1980 ; 63 : 297-303.
Mo-suwan L, Tontisirin K. Control of Food Intake by Hunger and Satiety.
Thai Med Bull 1979 ; 8 : 407-416.
Mo-suwan L, Varavithya W. Clinical profile of diarrhea at Ramathibodi
Hospital during 1977. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1979 ;
10 : 142-146.
Mo-suwan L, Varavithya W. Diarrheal Diseases : Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Mothers. Ramathibodi Med J 1978 ; 1 : 160-165.
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